Your Job Safety Analysis ("JSA") Program should be audited regularly to make sure that it is working as intended to help you reduce accidents. We recommend randomly selecting a sampling of JSA's from your files (about 15-20% of your total number of JSAs) for auditing. Here are some of the items you should be looking for as you review the JSAs:
- Is the task description sufficiently detailed?
- If periodic reviews are required by your policy, are the review dates current?
- Is the location of the work correctly identified?
- Is the JSA legible and detailed enough to assure employees understand the risks and mitigations?
- Does the JSA sufficiently address the behavior and actions of each employee?
- Are the mitigation steps required actually able to be performed by the team members?
- Has the JSA been approved for use by the supervisor or management?
- Are all entries filled out?
We also recommend that the auditor go into the field to make sure that the JSAs are being used effectively. This should include:
- Observation of JSA meetings to ensure that meetings are being conducted and the necessary employees are involved and engaged in the process.
- Determining whether management has budgeted sufficient time to complete the JSA planning process.
- Observation of the post-job critique to make sure participants are engaged in the process and encouraged to report how their task proceeded.
Your safety auditing process should also include a mechanism for reporting deficiencies in the process and determining and following up on corrective actions. Find out more about our Safety Programs and Safety Auditing by SafetyPro