Video: 5 Tips for Reducing Injuries Among New Employees

Posted by
Lance Roux
on Aug 1, 2016

Statistics consistently reveal that new employees are much more likely to become injured on the job within the first year of employment compared to more experienced employees. Many factors including lack of experience and lack of understanding of safety procedures contribute to the frequency of on the job injuries. If a company wants to instill the best of safety practices then the time to act is when an employee is just starting on the job. This is the time when the new employee learns about the company’s safety and health programs, emergency action plans, fire protection policy and job-related issues. Employers should always strive to ensure that new workers are getting the training and supervision they need to stay safe on the job.

Here are 5 tips for reducing injuries among new employees:

To read our full article on tips for reducing injuries among new employees, click here.

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