What's Your Safety Personality? Personality Assessments for Safety

Posted by
Lance Roux
on Mar 11, 2014

safety personalityMany of our clients are challenged with motivating their employees to follow safety rules. Could the solution to their problem be to test all employees for their safety personality prior to hiring them? There are several companies who offer web-based personality assessments that employers can use to determine the safety orientation of current or prospective employees.

A recent study by a company called TalentClick, suggests that there is a stong correlation between five personality traits and safety accidents. TalentClick identified five core risk-related traits that can be used to assess whether employees are more prone to be safety oriented or or high-risk. 

The Five Risk-Related Personality Traits

Trait Higher Risk Employees Lower Risk Employees

Tend to disregard authority and rules.

Resist feedback.

Comply with rules

Follow training and guidelines


Freeze or panic when faced with unexpected safety-sensitive situations

Doubt their ability to respond to the threat

Are confident

Stay calm under pressure

Irritable Tend to be easily annoyed, especially when under stress

Are less irritable

Are able to control emotions under stress


Seek stimulation

Lose focus easily

Less likely to become distracted

Can stay focused and alert


Seek excitement

Take risks

Underestimate consequences of their actions

Are careful

Evaluate their options before makeing decisions


TalentClick's study suggests that you can improve your company's safety culture by selecting employees who are wired for safety. Hiring employees who are naturally inclined to care about safety should make it easier to create a safe environment and should lead to fewer injuries, increased productivity, and enhanced morale. 

So what's your safety personality? Do you think implementing safety personality assessments at your company would lead to better safety outcomes? Please share your opinion in the comments below.

Take the Safety Assessment

Tags: Safety Management, Safety Perception Surveys

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